Friday, June 10, 2011

Parametric Constraints

In this activety we had to skeatch a rectangel with two holes. But insted of using mesrments to create the skeatch we had to use equations to create it. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In this activety we had to sketch 6 figuers and dimension them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Driving Constraints

After finishing basic constraints we had to do this activity. what was it? We had to make object move with inventer. It was very difficult to finish. It took me two classes to finish it. but at the end when I did finish it I was not only prod of what I did but also amazed of what I did.

Basic Assembly

In this activity we practised using the iam constarins. It was fairly easy ,but it did take time to accomplish it as well.

Friday, March 11, 2011

CAD Model Features

In this activity we had to create skeatchs by using certin tools. To me this activity seemed very difficult but after help from my techer and classmates I was able to finish it.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

geometric constarints

geometric constarints
In this activety we were intorduced to the computer program "Inventer". With this introduction to inventer we learned about the geometric constarints as well. These include the tool line, tanget, paralle ect.We were assigned to skeach the shapes above.

20th Century Invetions

 This was one of the first assiments we were given for the first marking period. We had to pick four inventions of the 20th century. I picked the blood bank, the cell phone, the band aid, and the crayon. We had to name the creatier of the invention, the time it was created, and how it changed over time. It all had to be in a power point and noted in our engineer's notebook. 

Engineer's Notebook

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In this activity I had to sketch 3-D forms on isometric paper. Each image was very difficult to sketch at first. But I learned a new technique that made it easier to sketch the forms. It is called the box method and it made sketching these forms much easier.

Puzzle Cube

In this project I had to create a puzzle cube from wooden cubes. Sounds easy doesn't it? Infact it wasn't easy at all. There were recuierments we had to go by or constrants. First, the cube had to be 3x3, no more no less. Second it had to have five puzzle pieces, no puzzle piece can be used more than once. Next, the puzzle pieces had to be made out of 3, 4 ,5 , and 6 cubes. Finally, the cube had to have a total 27 cube pieces. I also had make a package for the puzzle cube.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Inovation of the Cup

In this activity we were asked to inovate a cup. To make it in to something that we think would be an impovement to it. My partner and I first had to brainstorm and sketch our ideas and we desided to make the cup upside down so that it would be easier for people to drink from it. After me and my partner had ower cup sketched we then created a prototype cup out of a styrofoam cup.The cup in the bottom right corner. We made a poster showing what it does and what it has. It is the image at the top right corner. Finally we created it in inevntor in the image shown at the left.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi! My name is Ceasr and I will be using this blog as a portfolio for my Introduction to Engineering and Desien class. I will be posting my projects and examples along with brief  description of what I did . Please check back to see my work!